Sunday, September 12, 2010

Score and leave sores

I need to be free.

Free of stress, My head,Principles that discriminate Cup-size,fear..... And everything else that ties me down.
Time to Cut, Score,Open, Loosen, Scoop and finally Strain my life

Friday, September 10, 2010


i think everyone should love everyone. That's apart of "The Gypsy Reborn Hippie Seed Movement". Just because you have Big boobs shouldn't target you. It shouldn't be the reason why you cant wear any beautiful clothes, when they're not reveling in the first place. Whether you're super thin or far from it; You are beautiful. Unless you don't have confidence. I find the ugliest people are the people who refuse to see the good in themselves. Fake it till u make it babe :)

There needs to be a word for Discriminative against big breasted women. Anti-Bossism. Pom,as in Pomegranate, as in Pom Pom as in breast. Big and bulbus like a pomegranate . If you're offended by this post, well too bad so sad.What we go thru isn't easy. Start a Movement, eat a Pomegranate- Smile

(C)Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Pomegranates are these bulbous thingys(just go with me on this one), tough red skin, Delicious smell but the only good thing about them is on the inside. Surrounded by white flesh,pulp, there they are. Juicy red vibrant: Seeds. I was thinking about how life is like a cookie, day by day we take a Lil bit out of the whole. But its more like a pomegranate, you deal with the hard crappy exterior and fight to get to the inside.Then when your there, you gotta beat the crap out of it to get the seeds out. And when all is said and done you're just left with seeds and an empty haul. Then you're done with the seeds and that's it. Done

It's the seed in everything that drives us, really is.

Whether you view life as a cookie, or a journey or a Pomegranate, its all the same. Isn't that what everyone says: "That's life". Why? Why cant it be "That's how it is for me", or "That's for now". History only repeats itself because we keep feeding each other the same BS. I'm starting a movement.The Gypsy Movement. The Reborn Hippie Movement. The Pomegranate movement.

The movement of seeds

(C)Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's Like your eyes are just opening for the first time, words stumbling on your lips;stumble. That's what it is. I am stumble, not stumbling or stumbled but stumble. I don't need to a past or present or current tense, I'm a gypsy and the world is on My time. Been walking thru fields of over cropped wheat. Land is bare and infertile; parallel to me.Bleh.

Granada's: Spanish for Pomegranate. Makes me wanna dance and lately i haven't felt like dancing. Its spicy on my lips. Grah Nah Das. I always fall back into that girl. I don't like her one bit. Everyday is a battle not to be her. I like being that bubbly hippie. I like being Granada

(C) Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010


There is alot in this world I'm just discovering. I'm figuring it out barefooted and bare hearted. Gypsy on the move, picking it up as i go.But i have my own theory on this incandescent globe. I'll be dammed if some one tells me my thoughts aren't mine. My head met my heart and made this baby called a thought. You have your own, and i have mine. I'm willing to share but never share custody. Because something isn't the same doesn't mean its wrong.


We all come from somewhere. A tree of whatever it may be. In life i believe the stem is trust. You have to have it, need, bleed, and try to conceive it. Everything starts off as a tiny bud,grows a stem and blooms.
(C) Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010


In between both sides of the moon, Cresent & Waxing;I am. The moon is a bulbus sphere. Everynight i look for it, not every night its there. When i see it my face lights up and i grin. Over the moon; i am.

Bulbus, like the moon. Like A seed, in a bulbus like pomegranate. I have few thoughts of the gypsy Geniusness today. No readers :'(

Maybe they're out trying to find the moon
(C) Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Malum Granatum

As a Gypsy, a hippie; I've walked a million miles. I have blisters on my feet and scars on my ankles. Its not just being Eco-friendly, it's about journeys. Taking the road less traveled? Try the sidewalk less scuffed. As a Bipolar Baby I've walked a million miles. I have Scars on my thighs, and Blisters on my heart. I've seen millions of miles of different Me's. And no i don't always recognize them, but they're never bare in my heart.
Spirit is addicting.We're not "emo", everyone cares, stop fronting. Even if its hot, doesn't the whistling wind still blow?

"Malum Granatum"; Latin for Seedy fruit. Sometimes i feel like a seedy fruit. I have all this substance but that outsides no good. Maybe it's not meant to be good. Maybe we're all not meant to be good. Cause it makes you work harder to get to the good stuff inside. Just like a Pomegranate.

(C)Copyright PomegranatePie 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Slice

Most blog just for the sake of emotion, others for the cute family stores that make u wanna go AWWWW..This is not that blog.

I don't listen to "screamo"

I have no children, no husband- so if u were looking to trade parenting tips, you're on the wrong blog Honey
I do not use the word "Abyss" on a daily basis
I do not paint my nails black and were chains

This is not a haven for emos and rockers, nor will there be any pictures of cute baby's!

I'm a Gypsy, Born and bred wild child. I come straight from times of walking bare foot and running thru fields of heather. Born in the wrong era, with the wrong state of mind. Self Diagnoses bipolar, officially diagnosed: Free spirit. I wear dresses and listen to Jack Johnson and bob Marley. Everyday I'm a different person, i wake up and its another "split personality". Fear of dieing, unpredictable; biggest walking contradiction.

Follow me and you'll see what its like... To be a Gypsy, a hippie and to be the first Slice of Pomegranate Pie.

(C)Copyright PomegranatePie2010