Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's Like your eyes are just opening for the first time, words stumbling on your lips;stumble. That's what it is. I am stumble, not stumbling or stumbled but stumble. I don't need to a past or present or current tense, I'm a gypsy and the world is on My time. Been walking thru fields of over cropped wheat. Land is bare and infertile; parallel to me.Bleh.

Granada's: Spanish for Pomegranate. Makes me wanna dance and lately i haven't felt like dancing. Its spicy on my lips. Grah Nah Das. I always fall back into that girl. I don't like her one bit. Everyday is a battle not to be her. I like being that bubbly hippie. I like being Granada

(C) Copyright Pomegranate Pie 2010

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